Thursday, July 23, 2015

Brewery Update

Due to the lengthy summer vacation absence and our computer being in the repair shop, it has been a while since our last post.  Here's a new logo I have been working on:

Keg Party

The Rye Pale Ale and American Pale Ale were successfully served at a party in Maryland on July 13.  They both tasted great and we had many compliments from the Bud Light crowd.  I had several issues with the liquid dip tube and post clogging continuously on one of the kegs, so we had to improvise and rest the keg on it's side.  I will be evaluating options for fixing the issue, such as a dip tube screen or stainless steel scrubby pad over the end and possibly shortening the tube an inch.  We camped out at the party, but somehow lost our air mattress pump, so having the CO2 tank proved valuable as it was used to fill the mattress!  It is amazing how much gas is in that 5 pound tank.


There is beer in three of the secondary carboys.
  1. Imperial Stout made on 6/7 with an OG of 1.090
  2. American IPA made on 6/23 with an OG of 1.071
  3. American Amber Ale made on 7/2 with an OG of 1.057
Next week, we will dry-hop the IPA and Amber and prepare some secondary additions for the imperial stout.  I am thinking cacao nibs, some mild chile peppers, and possibly some cinnamon.

There is beer in two of the primary carboys.  This was a 10-gallon batch split with different yeasts with a 1.052 original gravity.
  1. American Pale Ale brewed on 7/4 with Giga Yeast GY054 Vermont IPA yeast
  2. American Pale Ale brewed on 7/4 with Wyeast Pacman yeast
Because I turned off our A/C during our week-long trip, the basement temperature rose from it's typical 64F, which will influence the amount of dissolved CO2 in solution and therefore the amount of priming sugar needed for bottle conditioning.  Because of that, I plan to keg as many of these as I can and may either CO2 force carbonate them or do a combination sugar carbonation and CO2.

I will be working on my brew day video soon.
