Friday, November 10, 2017

Chugger Pump Build

I have upgraded my brew system to include a pump, which allows me to:
  • Connect and disconnect hoses from vessels quickly and easily
  • Eliminate lifting hot and heavy water and wort from vessel to vessel
  • Reduce reliance on gravity for transferring water and wort
  • Reuse chilling water; pump cleaning solution from vessel to vessel
  • Future: Whirlpool wort while chilling to reduce chill times
  • Future: Build a recirculating mash system (HERMS/RIMS)
  • Future: Incorporate a plate chiller, aeration stone, and thermometer


 Another batch brewing soon!  Cheers!

Monday, January 9, 2017

January 2017 Updates

What's in the pipeline in the basement now:
1. Amber Ale with Pacman yeast - secondary cold crashing
2. Pale Ale with American Ale yeast - secondary cold crashing
3. Rye IPA with London Ale III yeast - secondary dry hops
4. Imperial IPA with Pacman yeast - primary dry hops
5. IPA with Vermont Ale yeast - secondary dry hops
6. Pale Ale with London ESB yeast - fermenting

Recent Process Updates:
We are washing and reusing yeast and making starters in our new 5L Erlenmeyer flask with stir plate.  Initial results are positive with higher attenuation and faster fermentations due to much higher pitch rates.  We are using to figure the cell counts necessary for each batch and are storing yeast in quart mason jars and then 50mL centrifuge tubes.  We have a bank of American, London III, Vermont Ale, and will soon add Pacman and London ESB to the collection for future brews.