I tried several water spreadsheets and got varying numbers but went with 7g gypsum, 4g epsom, & 3g CaCl in today's pale ale, which is a little more than usual. Mash pH was 5.20 at 20.3C with no acid added. My tap water has an unusually low pH, but it works. Preboil brix 10.5 is about 1.044. After a 60-minute boil, the original gravity was 1.052 and I pitched WL1056 American Ale yeast. I had a mash temperature of 151 and it should ferment down to about 1.012 for an ABV of 5.2%.
Pale Ale:
88% Pale
8% Caramunich
4% Carapils
Columbus, Galaxy, and Citra in the boil/hopstand with Mosaic in the dry hop