Saturday, April 18, 2015

IPA Brew Day

Brewing our Eternia IPA for the National Homebrew Conference Competition.
7 types of Hops:

US Pale and UK Pearl with German Cara-Red and Carafoam.

Mash hopping and big hop stand after 90 minute boil.  Double dry hop planned.

Friday, April 3, 2015

War of the Wort Entries

We are entered in an AHA/BJCP competition in Starkville, Mississippi on May 16.  I packed some of my entries for shipping and have one more batch to bottle to complete the box.  The competition name is the War of the Wort and is sponsored by the Golden Triangle Homebrewers. I cut the entry labels out, secured them to the bottles with a rubber band, sealed each in gallon ziploc bags, and wrapped them with bubble wrap.  I use 12" x 10" x 8" dimension boxes and 12" width bubble wrap and can fit up to 8 bottles securely.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Honey Imperial IPA Brew Day

On Sunday, we made a batch of Imperial IPA and took some videos of the action.  Once the video is edited, we will post it here.